3 surprising things about success

Throughout my corporate career, I ran a lot of training sessions that focused solely on human behaviour. Something I always emphasised to my leaders, especially the engineers who often struggled with managing teams, was the complexity and multi-dimensionality of each individual's unique experiences and backgrounds. 

I'd tell them, "Humans aren’t black and white. We will never know what happened in their life to shape who they are today – what events created their thoughts, beliefs, fears and reactions.” Being aware of this allows us to be more vulnerable with our team members and to better understand where they're coming from.

And this concept doesn’t just apply to the boardroom; it's insanely relevant to social media, especially when you find yourself comparing your life with someone else's.

I'm all for being open on socials, it’s how we create genuine connection with our audience, but let's be real – unless you've followed me around 24/7 for weeks on end or know every intimate detail of my 38 years on this planet, you won’t understand the "why" and "how" behind my journey and the so-called "strategy" and "steps" I've taken.

Social media is incredible. It showcases what's possible, something we didn't have access to 20 years ago. But here's the kicker – too many of us are using it all wrong.

We fall into the comparison trap.

We want to connect with the people who seem to have the life we desire.

We try to mimic their success to fast-track our own goals.

Truth bomb time: 

Shiny objects ain’t gonna solve your problems.

Constantly looking outside of yourself for answers or trying to ride on others' coattails, only distracts you from learning what works for YOU

It’s why so many businesses crash and burn in the early stages, leaving exhausted owners searching for the next big thing to save them.

Here's 3 insanely basic things I've learned about success - that so many people fail to recognise: 

  • Stick to your lane: Tunnel vision can be both a blessing and a curse. But more often than not, sticking to your lane and believing in your thing is the way to go. Those who go viral aren't special but they *are* following a (not-so) secret formula; they remain relentless, consistent, and fiercely dedicated to their ‘thing’. Yes, timing matters in business, but consistency and unwavering belief trumps all – every time. Basically, when you stay the course, you get rewarded for it. Keep going. 

  • Doubt is your enemy: Those who exude certainty will always come out on top. Planting seeds of doubt in your own mind or for your clients, will ultimately grow a tree. If you sense doubt creeping in, find out where it’s coming from and address it head-on. Riding on others' coattails screams insecurity – been there, bought the t-shirt so I’m speaking from experience when I say, DO NOT doubt yourself. 

  • Stay focused on YOU: Don’t get distracted by all the noise, trends and ‘pick-mes’. Yes, you can and should draw inspiration from what others are doing and what’s going on around you, that’s a normal part of being in community with others. No one’s an island. But copying others or trying to replicate their experiences will lead you absolutely nowhere.

So, next time you find yourself doom-scrolling, caught up in the comparison game, remember this: behind every perfectly curated post lies a whole journey of good and bad experiences that shaped that individual's path. No one can replicate that.

Instead of deciding you don’t have what it takes to get to someone else's (real or imagined) ‘level’, celebrate that person’s success and use it as inspiration to fuel your own journey

Stay true to your vision, put in the work, and believe in your abilities even (especially) when the doubt creeps in. keep going. One thing’s for sure, the journey is going to be messy, unpredictable, and uniquely yours. 

And here's the big shiny takeaway: 

The only coattails worth riding are your own. 

Keep going.


A Lesson in “Living The Dream”