A Year of Growth (not all of it was the healthy kind)

As I sit down to reflect on the rollercoaster of the last 12 months, I’m feeling a mix of gratitude, exhaustion, and excitement for what lies ahead.

I’ve bought a few more businesses, been through the ringer and broken up with some old faves but if 2023 has taught me anything, it’s that going with the flow and leaning into what feels good beats sticking it out. If it’s not lighting me up, it’s a no for me.

So, let's dive into the year that was.

Battle of the Bali Mould

The year kicked off on a less-than-ideal note, with a relentless mould invasion wreaking havoc in our home. If you’ve ever been to Bali during the wet season, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

The house itself was in the perfect location but noisy af, which meant my daughter and I were both losing sleep and feeling exhausted much of the time. Neither of us ever felt completely settled there and for a kiddo who’s never been sick in her life, she just couldn’t shake a little somethin’ somethin’.

Other than the mould, life was great but we all know that when our house is not okay, everything else is affected. It eventually takes its toll on the way we think, the way we process information and even the way we make decisions. 

Time To Get The Hell Out

By around March, I’d had enough and started looking for a new place. Two days of wandering the streets of Sanur led me to a mould-free hotel, and that first night's sleep? The best of my entire life!

I’d set an intention at the start of 2023 to take my time making decisions. But in this case, the decision to stay put was affecting our health and not to be dramatic, but our overall happiness, too. 

Never Not Going With The Flow

In my usual ‘fuck-it’ fashion, I decided to see where life would take me. I decided to stay in the hotel until December because I was sick of searching for a home. I remember the look on the hotel manager’s face when I told them we’d be staying until at least December of this year. But life, as usual, had other plans. 

OnceI made the decision to live the hotel life, the perfect home became available. My girlfriend found it and nagged me to go see it. I was being stubborn and assured her I was happy at the hotel. 3 minutes into the home inspection, and in true Coco form, I leant into my intuition and went with what felt good to me. I told the agent I’d take it and pay the 12 months upfront that day. 

And moving out of the hotel (which was lovely but still had living out of a suitcase vibes) and into a villa that’s just perfect for us, was the best decision ever!

As soon as we moved, everything started to shift for me internally. I never realised how much I needed a home and how it would make me feel -- and in retrospect, as a line 2 in human design it’s no wonder! 

Home to me is more than a place to sleep, it’s the stable foundation I need to thrive in all areas of life. Clearly Ari needed that too (fellow line 2).

Birth Sex Death

On the business front, I acquired two more businesses in 2023—a cleaning business (addition to my current) and a childcare facility. And receive the development approval for another childcare I am building (21 months in the making). This aligns well with the plan I’d set for myself at just 15 years of age: to be in the business of birth (childcare), sex (never say never?), and death (perhaps a funeral parlour could be in my future? Watch this space ;) )

Cleaning is one of those things that’s fairly recession-proof. It’s a part of life that will always be necessary and as far as a business venture, there’s no looming threat of it being replaced by AI or robots. I know technology exists out there (and it has immensely helped the cleaning industry thus far) that’s capable of incredible things (like surgery, diving to the depths and travelling to the moon! but I don’t believe robots can bring the level of care and attention to cleaning commercial properties that humans can offer - I don’t care what anyone says).

My Theme of the Year

I don’t bother with a word of the year but I do like to choose a theme and in 2023 it was to prioritise how I feel. A concept we hear a lot about, but one I’ve only recently implemented, especially since becoming a mother. 

Feeling good became crucial, as it directly influenced the atmosphere of my home, my businesses and everything around me. It’s something I’ve always understood on an intellectual level but since becoming a mother, I’ve really come to embody it (yes, I used *that* word!).

I used to think I felt good before, however this was masked by so many other aspects. Now I can not hide from how I feel as it gets projected back to me by my daughter *no more hiding*!

Stretching in Australia

Fast forward to the last quarter—a period of deep realisation and some uncomfortable, crunchy, stretchy moments. Being back in Australia for three months wasn't the original plan, but as much as it was a challenge not having childcare for Ari and doing the mother juggle thing, it was also a fantastic opportunity for growth, both personally and professionally. 

Spending quality time with Ari, witnessing her thrive, and also realising the capabilities of my team—it's been a productive period and for me personally, a time of letting go and allowing the flow.

Closing Out the Year With Change

As I approach the new year, I’m reflecting on the lessons learned. I’ve realised that for my established businesses, there's no need to slave away. It’s going to be busy, but in a different kind of way. It’s knowing that I have the right people and processes in place to get the job done and I don’t need to stress - and really trusting that. 

The start of the new year also brings my birthday, and this year, my 38th year, I’m richer than ever in so many aspects of life, especially my money mindset.

Which is a great segue to talk about the changes I’m making in 2024, why I’m doing it and what you get as a result…

After realising I didn’t have space to hold it anymore (and with zero shame or regrets) I’ve made the decision to shut down the live component of the Female Financial Literacy Library.

That means you can still access all of the fire content, pre-recorded masterclasses, resources, mediations and so much more -- but now for the heavily reduced price of $397 (that’s over $2400 off!) - limited pricing until 31 December 2023. 

I started the year with big dreams for the Library, and now, as the year wraps up, I'm listening to my intuition, honouring how I feel, going with the flow, and excited to see what comes next.

Cleaning Up Connections

One thing I've been steadfast about is, choosing who’s in my life and who's out, both personally and professionally. It's been challenging, but the last 12 months have seen me undergo a massive cleanup—not in a gross ‘you’re fired’ or ‘I’m done with you’ kind of way, but from a place of understanding what I need to thrive. 

I've evaluated who makes me feel good, who doesn't, who I trust, and who has overstepped boundaries. That kind of big self-love energy is what I’m heading into 2024 with and I encourage you to do the same.

As I wrap up this reflection, I want to say how grateful I am that you’re here, sharing this crazy journey, the ups and downs and the deep transformations this year has brought. 

Here's to growth, following your joy, and feeling a fuck-load more free!

All love,

Coco xo


Stretching the limits


Don’t be one of “those” business owners